Cambodia 2013

November 05, 2013  •  Leave a Comment
Cambodia with friends
In February 2013, I traveled to Cambodia. This is a collection of clips of that trip, mainly showing the joys of travelling with others. To think on day 1 of the tour, these people were merely strangers to me, by the end, they were friends. I had an amazing time with this group of people 
Travelling, I do it because I truly love it and it's been the most rewarding experience I've felt. I have always told people the virtues of travelling and I can only speak for myself but more so speak from my experience of travelling for over 8 years around the wonderful planet we call Earth. It is full of stunning beauty, amazing cultures, the most extraordinary inhabitants. Back in February 2013 I traveled  to Cambodia on my own to experience an adventure that many people have talked about, the stunning temples, the food, and its rich history. 
What made my experience in Cambodia most memorable was not the destination itself, though it did play a part, but it was the people I met along the way. People who on day 1 were merely strangers to me and over the course of a few days they became amazing friends. Usually its the fear of the unknown that stops you doing something. But here, we all had one thing in common which was we loved to travel and explore new lands and places, that was the commonalty that held us together as a group. They made my trip so much more, it was full of love, laughter, sadness but above all an amazing adventure that we all went on and shared together.
If your thinking of travelling, just do it, if you feeling afraid that you may not meet people, trust me you will and they may change your life! 
To see the video in HD, head over to
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Head over to to see more photos from this incredible trip
If you have any questions about my trip to Cambodia or travelling, then please ask away, email me on [email protected]
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