The Window Seat

March 08, 2014  •  1 Comment

Frank White, a space philosopher and writer coined the phrase ‘The Overview Effect’, referring to the experience of seeing first hand the planet Earth from space, which when you think about it in relation to the known universe is understood to be a small fragile ball of life, somewhat floating in the void and protected and nourished through a thin veil of atmosphere. I find this notion personally extraordinary. Frank White interviewed astronauts and from space, the astronauts tell us boundaries between countries vanish, the conflicts that divide us as humans become less important and more importantly the need to create a society with the collective will the protect this ‘pale blue dot’.

The window seat on the plane is desired by many. It offers a view onto the world unlike any other (unless you’re a pilot or an astronaut). The views helps bide time whether you’re going or coming back home, but more so they offer the spectacular vistas of our planet. I’ve always said from the air its a pure view devoid of any politics, religion and borders. From the air you just see one breath taking sight of natural beauty that speaks on so many levels. In ways, it’s somewhat spiritual and life affirming, to see and feel that you are somehow apart of this world. Similarly I compare to ‘The Overview Effect’, granted I’m not in space to see the world as a whole, but from the high vantage point I sense the fragility of our planet but also I am in awe in the utmost beauty the planet has to offer us, the humans who inhabit it.

Here are a selection of photos I’ve taken over the years on my travels.

Below are quotes from airlines about the photos

'Those are some amazing photo's!' - Air Canada Rouge

'Wow, that is an amazing set of photos! - Heathrow Airport

'Those are definitely some impressive views!' - KLM

'Thank you for sharing those wonderful pictures' - Air Canada

'Those shots are amazing' - American Airlines

'Very nice images you have captured there!' - Virgin Australia

Check out my short travel film, that I shot over 4 years across amazing locations around the planet

To view the video on Vimeo please click here 

To view it on YouTube please click here 

Subscribe to my Youtube channel to get updates of my videos and future projects

Check out my collection of photos that I've taken across the world. The photos in this blog post are available under license, if your interested, please email me on [email protected]

Check out my other blog posts for inspiration, advice, tips or for just general reading!

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Great pics! Love the idea in this post :)
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